David Blyth

David has been involved in theatre and arts management in both the commercial and subsidised sectors for over forty years. Between 1983 and 1987,  David gained experience in a managerial capacity with two major West End theatre owners.

In1987, David joined the management team of the local authority to run Fairfield Hall Arts Complex in Croydon and spent the next five years as Head of Operations.

David then joined the Ambassadors Group as Chief Executive of Woking theatre complex. In 2006, David's role was expanded to Operations and Buildings Development Director. This was followed by an appointment to a new senior role as Property Director which as an Executive Board appointment secured a place on the main board.

As Property Director, David was responsible for Group’s portfolio of 39 venues, Including Foxwoods theatre Broadway New York. My remit covered responsibility for all capital expenditure, licensing, utilities, and insurance of all buildings. A major part of my role included the responsibility for Health & Safety, and the roll-out of greener working practices as ATG endeavoured to become a more environmentally sustainable business.

In 1998 David was appointed a trustee of the Theatre Trust (now UK Theatre)

David retired from ATG in May 2015.

David now resides between London and Suffolk.